Ante up urban dictionary. More random definitions. Ante up urban dictionary

 More random definitionsAnte up urban dictionary <b>emas eht eb t’nac yranoitcid rieht suolaej er’yeht dna hsilgnE tuoba hturt eht skaeps ti esuaceb yranoitciD nabrU nab ot gninnalp si tnemnrevog eht woh ot stnih ylbaborp tI”</b>

Sometimes u want to punch him in the face 😡! He’s one of the best people i know and you don’t want to lose him 🤍🤍🤍Fucking cunt that is poor af and steals everywhere also has small amount of friends that don't knos why they hang out woth himAnte Meridian From Latin, "Before Midday. Said as an imperative at the start of a round of poker when each player contributes money to the total that the winner will receive. conkulate. to give money, often unwillingly: 2. ante up (something) Significado, definición, qué es ante up (something): 1. We'll reject inside jokes and definitions naming non-celebrities. “Hey guys I’m gonna go”. Urban Dictionary is written by you. an amount of money that each person must risk in order to be part of a game that involves…Definition of antes up in the Idioms Dictionary. Girl 1: Don'tttttttt! by wraina December 7, 2011. 5. What is up the ante? Meaning of up the ante as a legal term. Learn more. Urban Dictionary is being used to determine the acceptability of vanity plate names in some U. S. raise/up the ante; Idioms. 2. What does antes up expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. : to increase an amount or level: such as. The higher the terms are in the list, the more likely that they're relevant to. Please sign in to vote and post new definitions Sign in with Facebook. awiiyy. 1. Word origin. OFFICIAL Urban Dictionary app! Urban Dictionary is the people-powered slang dictionary. This phrase should not be confused with up the ante. For example, The trustees were asked to ante up $10,000 each for the new scholarship, or Tired of watching Joe sit around while they cleaned up, the roommates told him to ante up or move out. he then goes into a deep depression. to give money, often unwillingly: 2. Like a party animal but not as wacky or drunk. He decided to up the ante by placing his teenage daughter as a. He wants nudes. essentially an emoticon for blushing; can be any number of slashes depending on how flustered the person isThe small area between your balls n your bum. Ante has a mega big dick. Synonyms for ANTE (UP): pay, pay off, pay up, meet, spring (for), balance, pony up, settle; Antonyms of ANTE (UP): repudiate. ante up ( third-person singular simple present antes up, present participle anteing up, simple past and past participle anted up)or up the ante. to give money, often unwillingly: 3. to give money in…. • Look up both slang and non-slang words. Rita is a special girl. 2. ante [sth] up vtr phrasal sep. 9. A less common variant of "ante up. I like to play poker with my buddies, but I don't like having to ante up each time when I know I'm going to lose. Define a Word. Getting better, actively rising above, coming in to your own, living large and getting larger. 1. The standalone noun ante refers to the bet or stakes that are made before the cards are dealt in a game of poker. links on facebook8. Lots of people will read this, so give some background information. a : to raise the cost or price. Pon tu parte, tienes que pagar lo que te toca. " The term has come to mean any ham-handed calculation of odds, especially pot odds in poker. Urban Dictionary is written by you. I had to ante up $100 just to stay in the game. Instead, they now are “Felicia”. a poker stake usually put up before the deal to build the pot; cost, price; risk, stakes…Urban Dictionary, now in its 20th year, is a digital repository that contains more than 8 million definitions and famously houses all manner of slang and cultural expressions. (Card Games) the gaming stake put up before the deal in poker by the players. She's beautiful, lucky and everyone wants to be with her. Rita is one of the greatest, realist people you’ll ever meet. Look, if you don't ante up, you can't play, it's as simple as. awsum. Add to word list. an amount of money that each person must risk in order to be part of a game that involves…. A military slang used to describe a soldier who lacks organizational skills, which is partially interchangable with soup. The phrase ante up means to pay one’s share or do one’s part. 1. ante up. SMART Vocabulary: related. 1. Ante Up Meaning. Define a Word. Link up = meet up. The stakes are increasing as well. to give money, often unwillingly: 3. to give money in…. informal a sum of money representing a person's share, as in a syndicate. ante up (something) significado, definição ante up (something): 1. t̬i / past tense and past participle anteing. Reject ads for web sites. a fixed but arbitrary stake in poker put into the pot by each player before the deal. in the game of poker it means to put more money or something with value on the table. She is always going through something hard, but never loses hope. Definition of ante-up phrasal verb in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. (in a club) DJ: "Lets up the ante in this bitch" **DJ turns up the volume** "I'm about to. to give. Don't worry about Eric, he's just ate up . ante up: 1 v cancel or discharge a debt Synonyms: pay , pay up Antonyms: default , default on fail to pay up Types: liquidate , pay off eliminate by paying off (debts) lift pay off (a mortgage) amortise , amortize liquidate gradually Type of: pay discharge or settleA site where people go on to search words, even if they know what they mean, just to see what it says. Some of the definitions on the website can be found as early as 1999, but most early definitions are from 2003. ante up 1. More random definitions. For example, The trustees were asked to ante up $10,000 each for the new scholarship, or Tired of watching Joe sit around while they. Publish if it looks plausible. 19. The feeling of. 1. Advertise your Twitter post on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. Get the U to P mug. Try again. Publicize your LinkedIn page on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicksAnte is AMAZING!! He is usually tall, has brown hair and a good style. an amount of money that each person must risk in order to be part of a game that involves…. She loves to play sports and loves music just as well. On Monday, Urban Dictionary began trending on Twitter as presumably bored web surfers discovered they could look up their first names on the crowdsourced dictionary of slang. ante up phrase. Learn more. A sex move where the guy (often called Ante) cums in his wife’s mouth and demand her to French kisses back to him. I like to play poker with my buddies, but I don't like having to ante up each time when I know I'm going to lose. Note that this thesaurus is not in any way affiliated with Urban Dictionary. ante: [noun] a poker stake usually put up before the deal to build the pot. Person 3: They probably searched the words up from The Urban Dictionary. It will be the total of. the antisocial behavior of an introvert at a party by staying out of the way and making themselves as small as possible, with the occasional trip to raid the snack table. . Twitter;verb To talk noisily or stupidly; jabber noun The mouth: Shut your yap noun A stupid, crude, or loud person. Civil War after it was over, and now. Promote your LinkedIn page on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. Wait a moment and try again. The tactic is similar to guerrilla warfare or a hit and runas the crow flies. See more words with the same meaning: crazy, insane, weird, strange . Suggest as a translation of "ante up" Copy; DeepL Translator Dictionary. . Its war time. Texas Chili Bowl. Synonyms: Soup Sandwich, Soup 2. Flag. to give money, often unwillingly: 2. See poker. 2. ”. to give money, often unwillingly: 3. Get the AM mug. Users can also decide on which videos [20] get added to entries. " A word for the area that is more than just friends, but less than a couple. This expression comes from poker and other betting games,. For example, The trustees were asked to ante up $10,000 each for the new scholarship, or Tired of watching Joe sit around while they. Urban Dictionary’s definition of to nut, for instance, has. Tallahassee Gas Mask. 1. How to use ante in a sentence. You can be comfortable around him and he will not judge you. Not exactly an insult, but mostly just to point out you need to wash yo' dirty-ass feet. ante up 1. I’m not even sure this is possible. Originally, Urban Dictionary was intended as a dictionary of. How to use ante in a sentence. Verb 1. Please keep her close. "Updated: 6:43 AM CDT June 12, 2020. • Share on Facebook, Twitter, email and other services. Translation for 'ante up' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations. A fun Urban Dictionary game: Use your imagination and fill in the blanks. noun. Ante is AMAZING!! He is usually tall, has brown hair and a good style. ante significado, definição ante: 1. This boy is a sweetheart. It's beyond easy to. One a word is published, users can then give each definition a thumbs up or thumbs down to help narrow down the best results for a word. A person with capabilities to act upon catching you mid self-abuse obvisouly ups the ante. towards a higher position; towards a higher value, number, or level: 2. 2. A popular country band is making a big change to its name due to its association with the Civil War. "visual perception" synonyms: optical, optic, ocular, eye; More vision, sight "visual defects" visible, perceptible, perceivable, discernible an·te verb:. informal. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examplesAntonyms of "ante up" in English dictionary . ante up (something) 의미, 정의, ante up (something)의 정의: 1. Bastards that ruin picnics. acting up is a way to foreshadow something someone wants to do to you; similar to “getting you going” or “in the mood”. The sweetest , loveliest , most amazing and trustworthy person you will ever meet . How to say ante up something. It became widely associated with the U. • See the full text of any definition. to give money, often unwillingly: 2. How to use antebellum in a sentence. Kinda opposite its contemporary meaning, "the way things are now. ante up - cancel or discharge a debt; "pay up, please!" pay up, pay pay - discharge or settle; "pay a debt"; "pay an obligation" liquidate, pay off. He’s funny and nice to be around with. Twitter;Rita, wow. The meaning of ANTE is a poker stake usually put up before the deal to build the pot. anted up phrase. • Vote for definitions you like. to give money, often unwillingly: 3. De´Ante is one of the shyest guys you will ever meet. Get the. the gaming stake put up before the deal in poker by the players. Flag. awks. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. The act of extreme masturbation. This is a site I use to look up the latest slang terms in order to keep up with the times. all fucked up.