BY Chuck Brady. That is perfectly fine. Yes every diablo game is doing the same thing over and over, never bothered me, be it baal runs, gr runs or NM dungeons. Its a fairly simple build as well. " Pulling off the bandaid right now, the level 100 boss in Diablo 4 is the Echo of Lilith, aka (Uber Lilith) as revealed in-game once you complete the campaign and reach the endgame activities at around level 50. Leveling to 100 does not take long. Trample and landslide together do a lot of damage to bosses usually but don’t know if it will be enough for Uber Lilith. Ha. yea I think every class but barb has a cheese strat for lilith, they did have one but it was nerfed pretty quickly, the. #1. As. Uber Lilith recommended level? What lvl are people beating uber Lilith? Thats gud news. 88. Got her to like 15-20% 2nd phase but just can’t finish the fight. 20 characters. ago. Just wanted to share a Sorcerer Uber Lilith kill on controller Xbox console. 3 sec). The Diablo 4 player in question, who must be rolling through every single Sanctuary boss by now, shared a video of their Blizzard Sorceress build on July 11. would appreciate if anyone could drop a like on my Uber Lilith video. But it does not make big crits (Max 2Millions) and it runs out of essence like in 3 or 4 shots. It is substantially easier to not get hit for a short time rather than a long time, so more damage is good, but functionally the unavoidable damage is pretty much just the add spawns and some minor incidental attacks, which any. This boss just encourages cheese because it’s full of cheese itself. PUBLISHED July 11, 2023. The first person to defeat. Uber Lilith kill after the fight was hotfixed. The first no-exploit Druid kill of Uber Lilith. Yes, it's a legit kill and kudos to anybody that manages it. I’d say there’s 3. Stof-2316 July 8, 2023, 9:30pm #2. Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-57-54-5886-2391. Needless to say it took longer than I. g. The Echo of Lilith – also known as Uber-Lilith – is a very powerful version of the base boss, intended for the most experienced and overpowered players of the title. you need world tier 4 unlocked. Uber Lilith is silly even with very low latency, at least as a melee class. A marker will appear on your map for an activity called Echo of Lilith. Whenever possible, fight from a distance. She spawns adds in different locations at all times. Ex-WoW world-first raider and ARPG mastermind Ben is the first player to kill HC Uber Lilith on video! Ben's Twitch Channel Ben's Twitter In a display of sheer willpower, former Liquid member Ben aka Lightee aka Darkee has completed the Level 100 Pinnacle Boss fight in Diablo 4, also called "Uber Lilith". This will open up the portal to Uber Tristram. The Echo of Lilith Boss becomes available only to the high-level players accessing World Tier 4. Notably, I'm a big fan of iron skin over, say. Unless you want to gimp yourself. ago No. Every teleporter mob will mean failed dungeon tho, but oh well. True Form added Version 11. Look up the Blizzard + Ice Spike build for Uber Lilith, it is pretty much as cheesy as it gets. Uber Lilith tips? Just hit 100 and wanted to give this a couple shots, other than studying her attacks would y’all have any tips for the fight? Or tips for gear specs etc perhaps 🙏 I’m on HOTA barb. I’m going to run through the bugs that I experienced in this colossal. Defeating Uber Lilith in Diablo 4 is no easy task even at level 100, but this Necromancer running a Blood Orb build made it. . Good job man was really entertaining watching you kill lilth. I’ve already addressed a few items. Jun 9 2023 12:41pm. That is not from Ashava, we ATCs carry it at the back of the horse like op does. ago. I hope whoever thought dodging 1-shot mechanics for 10+ minutes made for a good boss fight never gets to design another boss in the game again. Let’s have discussion. Diablo 4 Trophy Roadmap. Conclusion: stay in NMD and roll another. Technically doable at late game, but the amount of babysitting you have to do is exhausting and it's incredibly slow at clearing. While Barb does not have a 90 second kill cheese like necro, rogue, or sorc, we still have a pretty strong build to be able to kill Uber Lilith quickly. Is it the first uber Lilith kill without using the whirlwind or rupture things in diablo 4? Because the only videos of successful attempts that can be found. The sarcastic pro gamers below me didnt help much. creepjacker's channelhis shrednado build dev videos mention an enemy that basically stands out as the most difficult encounter possible - very excited to see it. Rob2628 has just released a video showcasing an incredible new HotA Barbarian build that allows for a two-minute Uber Lilith kill. 8 comments Add a Comment Whoopy2000 • 1 mo. Once you’re in World Tier 4, challenging Lilith is as easy as interacting with her bright scarlet sigil in the Nevesk church. Also make sure you aren't on players 8, I cleared duriel once on p8 and it was rough. 1 year ago. I want to preface this post by noting this encounter being the absolute worst out of any game content I’ve ever experienced and I’ve played a lot of games. The fight itself revolves around 1 shot mechanics where the only consistent builds that are being utilized to defeat her are cheesy stun or insane burst mechanics (looking at you bone spear). Uber Lilith kills and class ranking. She is a much more powerful version of her base form. Yeah I JUST got to my final board. Druids and Barbarians had an exploit that could kill her in a few seconds (explained in the vid), but both were fixed about five days ago. It’s effects procc from normal attacks, so it proccs much much higher and does a lot more damage than intended. Echo of Lilith is located at the Echo of Hatred. I got her to 2nd phase at level 96 a few times but failed to not knowing mechanics but still very happy overall! Was killed at 96 as druid already 3 weeks ago. We could down some but then she would place blisters and then aoe the blisters and we would get 1 shot. Adding lag / rubber-banding into the mix with one-shot mechanics (with poor hit boxes), a very large resistance and health. Paperclip-1958 July 16, 2023, 7:36pm #1 Just before the upcoming nerf to Bone Spear and/or its related mechanics in a few days, I’m grateful that DM gave us a. Right now the goal is to level my glyphs to 21 and hit 100. childsish-6632 July 13, 2023, 5:07am #3. 102. Evolves into Immortal Yukimura at level 30 using Catfruit and XP. Well, HotA barb is definitely S Tier so I’d keep smashing my friend. That's 59 seconds, to be precise. Whirlwind barbs PSA, you need to restart WW inside suppressor fields to dmg the elite. I have cleared nm 100 and haven't beat lilith yet. Do the fight enough and you'll notice for the most part you can manipulate how they spawn which gives you a very VERY easy time dodging them. You can then take the red portal back in. Ladayen-1375. I went full shred build. They need to have challenging end game content, I’m just not sure that the current version of the fight is a good experience for anyone. She spawns blood boils outside of the arena where you as a melee cant go and hit. Uber Lilith is stupid. To avoid abuse make it a reward that pops up after completing the dungeon. Once the lover of the archangel Inarius, her union with him led to the creation of the first nephalem. P3. Tried a couple times to see what im insta dying to, but couldnt tell. ago. So seems to be you need to be rend or some sort of Uber burst so you can pop them then get out of the way. Reasons: The gap between the level 70 capstone and uber lilith is too freaking big. #Diablo4 #blizzard #uberlilith #lilith #rogue Uber Lilith low dps combo rogue kill. There is a lot of crit and armor sitting there for me to pick up. Fastest Uber Lilith Kill ( 79s ) PC General Discussion. Poison Resists or duration reducers are recommended. Lilith kill, build here (remove space): ://maxroll. This is just a cheese video on how to beat the boss ultra-fast/ultra-efficient. Best way to do this is to stay at the very bottom of the map and most of the time the waves will come from the north. You definitely do not have to swap gear to beat the boss. I guess something is supposed to be anticipated or dodged? Now I see why the cheese strats on this boss are popular. Doing it as a team can be useful for the parts where she summons a bunch of trash mobs, but it isn’t necessary. Hi! It looks like you want to share an Image or Clip about your Characters Appearance, Transmogs, an Accomplishment or an Item Tooltip. I would go as far as saying that every HotA Lilith kill exploits this bug. lol blizz made this boss as a special gift to the hardcore and tryhards they know these people love 1 shot mechanic. After many (many) attempts, I finally managed to solo kill uber lilith on my barb. You can cheese exploit it but people will bully you for doing that so nobody cares for those type of kills. . Violin-1103. Throughout the fight the camera will zoom in and out, depending on what part of the fight you are in - not what. There is a high chance to spawn them as you want when you stand near the edge but if you are playing any build that cannot nearly ones-hot her, it is such a hard fight. Competitive_Wear3354 • 1 hr. While part of the reason I posted this was just to flex, I'm also happy to discuss my build and skill choices, because I spent a lot of time trying to optimize them for the lilith fight. From time immemorial, Lilith sought to rebel against him. Streamer beating Uber Lilith in 18 hours with cheese! PC General Discussion. 101. Barb is the only class that can't cheese uber Lilith within minutes, but hota is close. Essence reduction on boots and Amulet is wildly helpful. There's an aspect that says "something something CC, when enemy is unstoppable +50 percent damage" and it's a multiplier instead of additive so I'm curious if it works on her or not. Hope you all the best in trying to kill her. I spent the last few days before nerf being. Some fans might have been hoping for a completely new boss as the "pinnacle encounter. As far as I've seen its just TB with a bunch of lucky hit and the aspect that makes it so poison imbuement has no cd when you stand on the pool of poison that can proc, and then you just spam at TB + poison imbue and the boss dies on like 30 secs. Imo this fight is actually not worth doing. Lilin is an Uber Rare Cat that can be unlocked by playing the Rare Cat Capsule during the Cyber Academy Galaxy Gals event. World Record. This deserves more attention. it’s in the church from the very start of the game Novask wayshrine. Having that said, you can't deny that Uber Lilith is joke with the right builds but most of those builds are struggling in higher tier NM dungeons. That started with Diablo 2. Poison imbue TB with full on stagger. Diablo makes it so changing your characters skills and paragon board is a grind. Succre-11336 July 13, 2023, 6:03pm #20. The hardest Diablo 4 boss fight is. I am pretty disappointed that the only pinnacle in the Diablo 4 is almost unbeatable for normal players unless you cheese the entire fight by skipping all the mechanics with Bone Spear, Shred Druid, etc. 4 wave attacks, spawns adds. Only ice shard sorc is slower but they have a ton of survivability tailored for this fight by rotating immunities. Some things r out of their place on the skill tree rn but its me just trying to make it work. Our kill times for lilith is still slower than most classes despite this bug. yea I think every class but barb has a cheese strat for lilith, they did have one but it was nerfed pretty quickly, the whirlwind bleed build i think it was, just did too much damage. She was added in Version 10. . It FINALLY dropped at lvl95 from a Cultist Elite in Shadowed Plunge. We’ve had Druids melting enemies with billions. It’s been a wild week in the Diablo 4 community. This could have been an enjoyable uber fight if they had just put some thought into the fight. Blizzard or whichever company they hire to make their full motion cinematics are unmatched in the industry in my opinion. Yeah. I have earned the title, and achievement, but the mount never showed up. I'd agree to help her like two sentences into whatever soliloquy might be in progress. [PSA] Correcting the math from u/OperatorOtter0879's post ("NECROS. Lilith was the daughter of Mephisto, and was not spared his hatred. How To Unlock Uber Lilith: The boss battle is only available at World Tier 4. I killed Uber this week and opened a ticket and it redirected me here to post about. Lilith - Diablo 4 - These are directly from game engine, taken from the real-time cinematic cutscenes though still work in progress. Fists of Fate and Bane are 2 big sources of RNG. Movement speed is good defensive stat. Gratz u/zellelx . instead we get overnerfed (deserved a nerf for sure but other classes are allowed to still kill Lilith near instantly no nerfs while barbs were nerfed multiple times) all other classes get to kill Lilith in 2-3 minutes (mostly just waiting for RP) 16. Diablo 4 Uber Lilith Solo Kill - Werenado build. Don't just Tele rush there, it takes me about 30-1hr to finish it offline. Lilith was the daughter of Mephisto and the sister of Lucion. Mechanically speaking the fight is “simple” but very janky. Bosses are special Enemies that can be defeated to complete Quests, progress through the game, and to acquire special. With that enormous amount of blood orbs. Best fight Ive seen in an ARPG Sure some specs can cheese it, and ive died by rubberbanding into fiery souls. Uber Lilith Bug. I’m insanely disappointed in Uber Lilith as the level 100 boss. The uber lilith fight is poorly designed. It's like winning a round of Valorant by chucking some ability over 10 walls. Thanks found it. Some of Lilith’s lethal attacks come from blind spots. I totally get it, you mastered that fight and you'll be damned to be cheese by Lilith. Just curious if anyone has beaten Uber Lilith without actually grinding all the way to 100? Idk but from 84 to level 100 is 64 paragon points which is a ton of extra dmg and survivability that would probably help a lot. An interesting interaction with the Druids Earth Spike, and skirts. I am talking about the ugly Horn on the head of the horse. Follow me on Twitch: is the most cheesy way to complete Echo of Lilith. Join. You have to cut to the North ASAP right as you see the waves developing. This area is full of unique monsters, champions (and their minions), and, of course, the three Uber Prime Evils themselves. Im done with FFXVI and my lvl 100 barrage rogue. Plenty to criticize about the game but Uber Lilith is not one of them for me at all. Lilith has a deadly poison attack she will cast when you get up close. Stagger cheese builds or insane dps builds like bone spear are also breaking the boss but that’s an entirely different issue. Lilith: is a Monster and a Demon and a SuperUnique and an Uber Monster. The Unique farm theory might hold some weight. The lethal tendril attacks inflates this problem even more. Paperclip-1958 July 16, 2023, 7:36pm #1. There were people that did the dungeon exploit 30+ times with. How to Cheese Uber Lilith on Necromancer Dûrithil 12. gg/d4/build-guides/blizzard-sorcerer-guideTook over 400 attempts, I know its a cheese strat. Gz. If you play WW it would be impossible. Leventhan26 3 weeks ago #1. Lilith is easier than many of the bosses that came before. It took a while and it is very RNG heavy but it made it possible to clear both of Lilith's phases without having to deal with. Sony PlayStation Network (PSN) ID: Kalebent. Uber Lilith definitely scales up when party size >1. Apart from being proud of yourself, you will get the following Echo of Lilith rewards: The End of the First Mother achievement; Reins of the Bloody Liquid Steed;Against bosses you just try to go for stagger asap, akin to Uber Lilith cheese. EDIT: Doh! I see op was referring to Uber Lilith. No exploits, but Werenado is OP as hell because of how Grizzly Rage works. P2. (around 65% mark). I've been farming 49-50s Nightmare dungeons with not much issues but notice sometimes my boss damage can be meh. Wasn't taking the chance haha.